Your Digital Brain

Goji is a self-learning platform that helps you connect what you don’t know with what you do.

Tell us what you know, what you want to learn, and Goji will help you map out the most effective path to get there.

We want to enable anyone to learn anything - from computer science to economics, architecture to biology, arts to philosophy. The more you learn, the more of an interdisciplinary thinker you become.

The ultimate goal of Goji is to create the Goji World Map - an community-driven, publicly-accessible network of ideas (Concepts) and articles (Posts). Imagine a galaxy of knowledge, and a personal guidance system to navigate it.

But reaching that goal requires a lot of content, people, and money. So, we’re implementing it in phases.

Phase 1
Integrated Learning Environment (ILE)
a code editor-like web interface where users can author Concepts and Posts to create their own private map.
Phase 2
Goji Publication
Users would be able to publish their private map just like a blog. They can do it for free, or charge a subscription.
Phase 3
Goji World Map
Users would now to able to integrate their Concepts and Posts to the World Map, as well as contribute to it.
Phase 1

Goji’s Integrated Learning Environment (ILE)


Write How You Like

GojiMark is the language of the Goji World Map. It’s a bit like Markdown, and a bit like WikiText. But for your own map, how you write is up to you.

Do you like writing in your code editor? You can do that. Offline? Sure.

A screenshot of the ILE’s graph view, where you can visualize how Concepts and Posts are connected.
Connecting Ideas

Write How You Think

Traditional note-taking apps organizes your ideas in two-dimensional trees (think categories and tags).

Goji organizes your ideas as a multi-dimensional network, helping you understand how ideas relate to each other.

CC BY-SA 4.0

You’re in Control

All your content belongs to you unless you choose to contribute to the World Map.

Contributions are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 - a copyleft license similar to the ones used by Wikipedia and Stack Overflow.

Phase 1 Shipping 2021 [Q4]